Cookie policy


What are cookies?

This website uses cookies, including third-party cookies, in order to improve the browsing experience and allow surfers to use our online services and display advertising in line with their own preferences.
Cookies are small text files that are automatically placed on the user’s PC inside the browser. They contain basic information about web browsing and, thanks to the browser, are recognized whenever the user visits the site.
Within our site, we have provided a system to allow you to express a preference upon your first access, so that you can decide whether you want to allow some cookies to be installed or not.
This preference can be changed at any time, if the tool allows it, while the cookies on your computer can be deleted at any time through a procedure provided by the browser you use to browse the Internet (for instructions, please see the guide of your specific software).

Below are all the cookie settings installed by this site and the necessary instructions on how to manage your preferences.

1. Cookies used by this website

The cookies used on this site fall within the categories described below.

(2a) Technical cookies

The technical cookies described below do not require consent, so they are installed automatically as a result of access to the site.

Cookies necessary for operation: cookies that allow the site to work properly, also allowing the user to have a functional browsing experience. For example, they keep the user connected while browsing, thus preventing the site from requesting to log in multiple times to access the next pages.

Cookies for saving preferences: cookies that allow the preferences selected by the user to be remembered while browsing – for example, they allow the language to be set.

Cookies for statistics and audience measurement: cookies that help to understand, through data collected anonymously and in aggregate, how users interact with the website providing information on the sections visited, the time spent on the website, any malfunctions.

(2a) Third-party cookies

Cookies managed by third parties are also installed through this website.

Third-party analytics (statistical) and audience measurement cookies
These cookies provide anonymous/aggregate information on the way visitors browse the site. Below is a list of cookies of this type with: company name, service offered, type of cookies and link to the cookie policy of the service.

  • Google
  • Google Analytics: statistics system
  • Analytical cookies
  • privacy policy

Social media sharing cookies
These third-party cookies – if there are links on the site – are used to integrate certain common features of the main social media and provide them within the site. In particular, they allow registration and authentication on the site through Facebook and Google connect, sharing and commenting on social media pages, enabling the “like” features on Facebook and the “+1” on G+.
Below are links to the respective cookie policy pages with: company name, type of cookies, link to the cookie policy.

Remarketing cookies
These third-party cookies allow you to send advertising to users who have visited the site while browsing the websites on the Google Display Network and/or using the apps on the Google Display Network and while browsing on Google.
Below are the links to the respective cookie pages with: company name, type of cookies, link to the cookie policy.


3. How to manage cookie preferences through browser settings

All browsers allow users to manage their own preferences about the use of cookies.
As a rule, you can start this procedure by clicking on “Help” at the top of your browser window, where you can access all the required information.
Alternatively, please see the guide of your browser.


This information notice is subject to change in line with the evolution of the reference regulation and the technical and organizational measures taken by the data controller; therefore, the Customer/data subject should periodically check this section of the Site for any updates or revisions to the Information Notice.